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Monday, February 27, 2012

Questions of Love

When you kiss someone, what do you do? Love them or see if there is any benefit of being with them? Does looking for benefit mean you do not love them nor is it being conscious of the situation? Does loving them mean that you are blindly in love with them or blinded by the situation of simple infatuation? Who decides whether that kiss was a chance taken rather than a bond made and who decides whether it can turn into anything or everything? Is love a compromise or is it a make and break relation? If I love someone, does it mean I have to sacrifice everything? If you love someone very dearly and had to make a decision, would you sacrifice everything for that love or would you sacrifice love itself? Does loving someone mean you have to put their needs ahead of yours or try to fulfill their needs after yours own?

Questions like these will haunt us and others as well. To understand these, we have to understand the basics of love. What is love? Why do we love? How do we know it is love? It is never easy to have a definite meaning for something so broad and yet it has been defined by every person, in his or her own experience and tales. Some see love as infatuation; others see it as a pastime but the whole meaning can be only be found within, for one can only find the truth in oneself.

I saw the sun through the black clouds,
Clouds that had blinded me for a long time,
A single lightning came and struck me,
The lightning that purified me,
Water gushed all around me,
Fluid that consumed all my hatred,
The ground made way for me,
A fall into the abyss of freedom,
Then I opened my eyes,
And I found you. 

Created: 6/24/2010
Last modified: 6/24/2010

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